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Black Earth Creek, in Southern Wisconsin, is a highly productive Class 1 trout stream and a popular recreation area for both citizens and visitors to the area.


In the early 1980s, a hazardous landfill challenged the viability of the creek and posed a threat to the entire watershed. In response to these threats, the Black Earth Creek Watershed Association (BECWA) formed to unite the citizens for the protection of the watershed.


Since its inception, BECWA has attempted to bring divergent, often opposing, groups together. BECWA acts within the community to conserve the land and water resources of the Black Earth Creek Watershed. The organization is a unique resource for citizens, town governments, villages, farmers, public and private agencies, the university, and others who have a home in the Watershed. When a need arises over development, environmental hazards, land use, or any other threat to the watershed, BECWA has consistently convened various interest groups in the hope of finding solutions that ultimately protect Black Earth Creek while meeting the needs of the watershed citizens.


As one of the oldest community-based watershed associations in Wisconsin, BECWA believes that increasing and enhancing the sense of stewardship among the residents of the Black Earth Creek Watershed will protect the stream for everyone'ss benefit.


The maps show the extent of the watershed, which spans an area of 102 square miles west of Madison, WI. For more information about BECWA board members, check contact us, and learn more about BECWA goals under about us.

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BECWA est. 1987

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